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**UPDATE 10/25/2018- I have received TWO more nominations for the Blogger Recognition Award in the past week. That award is listed at the bottom of this post and has been updated with the links for the two phenomenal women who nominated me, and I will be throwing out more nominations on Twitter. I am thrilled to be considered for these among all the wonderful bloggers I have come to know and follow in the month since I started my journey with this blog. Thank you so much for all the support! 

I have been nominated for three peer to peer awards in the last couple of days.

Wow. I can’t tell you how great all that love feels.

I am going to take a cue from the beautiful Deandra, author of The Black Princess Diaries and condense these nomination posts into one big post. So hold on to your hats! You are about to learn A LOT about me, and get turned on to some other wonderful bloggers to pay attention to!

Since I have 3 awards here to get through, I will be nominating 5 people for each one. This is a really hard decision, as in the last few weeks I have gotten to know some wonderful people and read some stellar blogs! I know the limits on them are higher, and I hope this is acceptable, but I really want to take the time and really think about each nomination, and I don’t want to overload you guys either, this is going to be a lot of reading!

Thank You!!

First, we have The Versatile Blogger award. I was nominated for this award by the lovely Karen Bradshaw at The Mommy Lady. I want to take a moment to thank Karen for nominating me. I can’t say how much it means to have someone pay a compliment like this to me and my work, especially as my blog is still in it’s infancy. I appreciate this more than I can say!


My nominations are:

Thoughts With N                                                                                                                                    Iambatmom85                                                                                                                                        RuthInRevolt                                                                                                                                            Blogging Up the Toilet                                                                                                                            Our Crazy Life

Here are seven things about me!

1.) I am a licensed tattoo artist. I have been out of the business for a few years now, but, I will always be grateful for the chance I had to learn this wonderful art form, for the artists who mentored me, and the people who chose me to help them express themselves through their body art.

2.) I have never met my biological father. I was adopted by my step father after his marriage to my mother when I was six. I have never known anything other than this wonderful man, who always treated me like his own flesh and blood, even after having biological children with my mother, and after their divorce years later. I will never forget the day he signed the papers and made me his, and I will never take for granted how lucky I am to have a daddy like him.

3.) I ran away from home at age 15. I stayed away until I was 19. I did a lot of things I am not proud of, but one thing I take away from the situation, is how important family is. Now that I have grown up a bit, and become wiser, I can look back and see how far I have come. Not only as a member of my family, but as a human being.

4.) I was married once before, when I was 19. I met him while I was still technically on the run. It was this impending marriage that prompted me to reunite with my family, and although the marriage didn’t even last a year, I will be forever grateful that the situation gave me the incentive to go home.

5.) I am a huge nerd. I play an online video game called Champions Online. I play this game more often than I care to admit, and I am very good at it.

6.) When I was a child, I wanted to be a lawyer.

7.) I hate doing laundry, with every fiber of my being. I will do almost anything before I do laundry. I am lucky my husband doesn’t mind, and has taken this chore upon himself. If it were up to me, we would run out of clothes, and I would possibly buy us more, before I would finally begrudgingly do it on my own.

I hope you enjoyed reading a little more about me, and I look forward to reading about my nominees!

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Next up, we have The Sunshine Blogger Award!


I was nominated for this award by the lovely Deandra, owner and author at The Black Princess Diaries. You can see her post here. Thank you beautiful, I can feel the love, and it’s warm like sunshine!

Deandra’s questions:

1.What’s your favorite thing about blogging? I have always loved writing. I enjoy sitting down and trying to impart some of the wisdom I have gained with others, and I really enjoy making people laugh, or inspiring them to do something of their own.

2.What’s your least favorite thing about blogging? I’m not sure I have a least favorite thing. At least not yet I don’t. I find it stimulating to work on my blog, and work to get people reading it. But who knows what the future holds. This is still a fresh journey for me.

 2. How did you start your blog? Well, I had one false start. I have been so into the political climate in the US since Trump took office. I have never before been so passionate about politics, and I believe that is because I see a division in this country at this time, the likes of which I have never seen in my lifetime. I started a blog to explore this newfound interest, and realized about 5 posts in, that I wanted to write about more than just that stuff. I started The Boozy Housewife, moved a couple posts from the old blog to this one, and the rest is history. 

4.You can only eat at one fast food restaurant for the rest of your life…what do you choose? Arby’s for sure. Can’t get enough of that Beef ‘n Cheddar. Extra Red Ranch please. 

5.Do you plan on making blogging your career? I am definitely open to that idea, although I haven’t made any concrete plans regarding that. I’m kinda just gonna wait and see how much momentum I can get going, and see what happens from there. 

6.What’s advice you would give to new bloggers? Keep it real. Don’t feel like you or your life need to be perfect. There is enough plastic out there, and I, for one, prefer to see the real you. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Don’t be afraid to swear, or write about your terrible, awful, no good, very bad day. Sure, I love to read about happiness and joy and all things pink and cuddly, but, when I see something that isn’t so wonderful, it reminds me that I’m not alone. That’s a warm fuzzy too.

7.How do you choose to relax after a long day? I like to relax with a good cocktail, and binge watch something on Netflix or Amazon, or get into my video game for a few hours. 

8.Podcast or music when driving? My favorite road music is the ‘Kid A’ album by Radiohead. 

9.What do you like to do before you start writing your blog posts? I make sure I have a drink in my hand, and a clear mind, then I go over what I’m going to write quickly in my head and start writing. I don’t worry about editing until I’m through. I don’t write drafts, because I don’t want to overthink my post and lose it’s feel in the process. 

10.What’s your favorite season…summer, spring, fall, winter? Why? Hands down, Autumn. I love the shift in weather, to crisp and cool, and I love the colors. 

11.Have you ever been nominated for this award before? Nope! First time! 

Here are my questions!

1.) What is your favorite childhood memory?

2.) What is your favorite color, and why?

3.) Who is your favorite author, and what is your favorite work by them?

4.) What is your useless talent?

5.) What do you wish you could do that you don’t think you could ever learn?

6.) What is quirk do you have that you wish you didn’t?

7.) Tell me your favorite joke.

8.) What would you do if you found a bag full of money on your front step with nothing indicating who it was from or what it was for?

9.) Do you do any charity work, activism, or make any donations of money or goods to any organization yearly? What are they?

10.) What is your greatest fear?

11.) What is your hope for the world in future generations?


  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to the original post 
  2. Answer the 11 questions they’ve asked you
  3. Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 questions
  4. Have fun!!

My Nominees!

Norma Linnet                                                                                                                                        The Little Blog of Positivity                                                                                                                   The Mommy Lady                                                                                                                                  Geraldine Talks                                                                                                                                      Fabulously Single

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Last, but not least, I have been nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award, again by the awesome Deandra, and her Black Princess Diaries (a link to her blog, and to her award post is given earlier in this post), The lovely Karen at The Mommy Lady , and last but not least, The fantastic Mrs. Chalk at Butterflies and Boundaries . Just wow. Thank you so much. When I saw these nominations it just really made my day. I’m over the moon that my ‘lil blog has been and continues to be read and enjoyed by so many talented writers.


How it began:

I have become a more politically aware woman in recent years. This sparked me to start writing about that in a different blog. About 5 posts in or so, I realized I didn’t want to ONLY write about politics. I had so much more to say and offer! Thus, The Boozy Housewife was born. I moved a few of the posts from the first blog over, and continue write about anything that pops into my head!

My advice to new bloggers:

Keep on doing you. Good, bad, ugly. Don’t get caught up in stats and perfection. I personally look to blogs to give me the unique outlook of the author. I want to know what YOU love. Who YOU are. I don’t care if you are having a bad hair day, or if you are pissed off at the world! I wanna read about it! To me, blogging is just as much about inspiring other people as it is sparking new inspiration within oneself. Blog as much for yourself as you do for others, and in my humble opinion, you will be the creator of a wonderful blog!

Be patient. It takes time to build a following. Be supportive and an avid reader of other bloggers in the community, and they will do the same for you.

   The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  • Write a post explaining how your blog got started
  • Give 2 pieces of advice to new bloggers
  • Nominate 15 other bloggers you feel deserves some recognition
  • Comment on each blog nominating them, providing the link to the post you created

My nominees:

Yorkshire Mum of 4                                                                                                                           Oh, But Gemma Darling                                                                                                                     Wanderlust with the DeVaulls                                                                                                         Ellie Bear Escapades                                                                                                                              Thoughts Parsed

And that’s all folks! Thanks for reading, but more so for your support of the wonderful bloggers I have been nominated by, and those that I have nominated here! Thanks to you all for your awesome support!

Much love!                                                                                                                                                Kat (1)                                                                                box-business-celebrate-296878 (1)







13 thoughts on “Awards!

    1. I haven’t taken up that subject in my personal blog, but, I am sure it will find it’s way in there eventually, my past in the tattoo industry, and my own body art are a big part of who I am, and I am passionate about educating people on tattoos, and how to correctly shop for a studio and or artist. In the past I have written pages for shops that I have worked in regarding proper tattoo care, how to scout shops and more, and I have no doubt in my mind that posts like these will end up in my blog at some point. You can take the gal out of the tattoo shop, but you can’t take the tattoo shop out of the gal! Keep reading! and Thanks for your support!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I love that you want to educate people on something you’re so passionate, yeah I’m excited to see if any of them sorta posts do pop up because they would be so interesting to see/read. No problem at all, loved the post x

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Update: I wrote a post about shopping for the perfect artist/studio today. I thought I would give you a heads up since you expressed interest in reading about the subject. There are even some photos of a piece I once did, including the original drawing, and the finished tattoo, as well as a photo of my station, and myself at work in the studio to illustrate.

      Anyway, I hope you get a chance to read it!

      Much Love,

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s awesome! I’m glad you have written about it because I’m curious to see it! Can’t wait to check it out, has it been posted yet? If not when are you posting it?
        Alex x

        Liked by 1 person

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