Lifestyle · Opinions

Christmas ALREADY?! Why I’m Not Ready for all That.

Hey Everyone! I’m really fighting to come up with a post for you today, so really this is just kind of a mini rant. Hope you don’t mind me just getting this off my chest.

The Halloween hump has been traversed. It’s November 2nd and all I see everywhere is Christmas.

I love Christmas as much as the next person. I love the chance to get a visit in with my family. I love the smells. The tree. The FOOD. It’s November 2nd though. I’m not ready just yet. I want some more of fall. There is still Thanksgiving coming up. I’m not ready to trade in my oranges, golds, and crimson in for evergreens and silvers and reds. I’m not ready to trade my rake in for a snow shovel, and I swear if I hear one Christmas carol before December 1st, I am going to scream.


Are you calling me Scrooge yet? I hope not.

I just really think that rushing into Christmas/Winter isn’t really giving Autumn all the respect she deserves.

I’m not going to lie. I have already been on the lookout for gifts and such, but that is really just the bargain hunter in me looking to spread out the spending a bit. I have been looking into some light planning already surrounding blog posts, and decor just so I’m not in some sort of mad rush when December finally alights on me. I’m just not willing to surround myself in holly and tinsel just yet.

I wonder to myself when Holiday Fever seems to begin earlier and earlier each year if this is adding to the commercialism of the season. Are we losing the true meaning of it? Maybe I am being a bit too cynical. Or am I?

I personally celebrate Yule on the Solstice, but being from a traditional Catholic family, I also celebrate Christmas with them. I don’t care about what religious beliefs one has, the holiday essentially means the same thing. Whether you are celebrating the birth of the sun or the birth of the Son makes no real difference. You are recognizing the end of darkness, and the birth of the light no matter what story you tell to explain it.

It is a time of renewed hope, family, and to envision a new, brighter future.

The presents are neat too. I personally enjoy giving much more than receiving, but I do love reminding my husband incessantly about how happy he would make me if he got me ‘x’ item. He bought himself a new car a few weeks ago, so I have been having a field day reminding him that since he already got his holiday gift, that he better come up with something good this year for me!

Why can’t we just get through Thanksgiving before we do the Christmas thing? Giving thanks is important too. I have some issues with the origins of Thanksgiving, but I am not going to go into that here. I have adopted the day as a way to recognize all the things that I am fortunate to have. I get to use the day to do some of the things I love best, such as feeding people. Letting people that I don’t get a chance to talk to every day know what they have done to change my life. A day to be reminded of all the wonderful things afforded us by Mother Earth, and to be thankful for that bounty. I know it seems that these things could be done every day, and they should be. But, life moves fast, and sometimes it’s helpful to just give stuff a day.

But I digress. Give me a little more Fall. Please and thank you. I’m off to make myself an Equinox, and think about Fall Things!

What do you think about Christmas fever beginning in some cases even before Halloween? Are you Team Autumn or Team Christmas? Let me know in the comments! 



6 thoughts on “Christmas ALREADY?! Why I’m Not Ready for all That.

  1. Over here in the UK we don’t have Thanksgiving, so it’s straight from Halloween into Christmas, but in a way, I love it (I’m a bit of Team Christmas and Team Autumn, but that’s mostly because I hate winter and snow and it’s always so cold!). I’m not as bad as some of my family though, who start watching Christmas movies the beginning of October! Hope you have a lovely autumn and a Happy Thanksgiving ❤

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    1. Yes, Thanksgiving as an established holiday is a singularly American thing I know. But the season -is- the perfect one to give thanks to all that the earth provides, it being Harvest season and all. I think that is really what I celebrate more than the actual Thanksgiving Holiday. As I mentioned, I have some issues with that holiday overall, but since it is a thing in my corner of the world, I just secretly add my own meaning to it, and eat a big meal with everyone else just the same. Holiday movies in October. Oh my! My head would be spinning by December!

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  2. In the Philippines as soon as the ber months come in it’s Christmas fever all over. I love how it feels very festive and you can hear Christmas songs everywhere though we don’t have Thanksgiving. I moved to the UAE last year and here we don’t celebrate Christmas at all because it’s a Muslim country. I love this post!

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  3. I couldn’t agree with you more! I love Christmas! But I also love Thanksgiving and all that autumn has to offer. All of our leaves haven’t even turned yet and Christmas is EVERYWHERE!!!!! I’m all for it after Thanksgiving…but RIGHT after Halloween is just unnecessary!

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